We Are Stronger.

IF You Foundation is a Non-Profit Organization 501(c)(3) of the United States Tax Code: EIN 84-4275948.

Contributions to IF You Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

How it works

Since 2019, IF You Foundation Membership Plan helped us to significantly increase our programs to the underserved community through our activities on Food Drive, Baby Care, After School, Back To School, and everything else we do.

Donate Now

Choose the amount
for a single donation.

Donate Monthly

Become a member
and keep supporting.

Corporate Giving

Companies can make annual
tax-deductible donations.

Event Sponsorship

Ways to involve your employees
in community service.

Corporate giving

Become a Sponsor.

With a wide range of opportunities to support our organization, there are many collaborative ways to customize your company’s involvement and make an impact on the people we serve.

Many Ways to get involved

Ways To Make A Difference.

You can choose how to donate and support our programs:

Program Sponsorship

starting from

$750 Single-Donation
Membership Plan
  • Choose a Cause
  • Transform Lives
  • Tax-deductible
Corporate Giving

starting from

$1,000 Monthly
Sponsorship Plan
  • Greater Impact
  • Give Back To Our Community
  • Transform Lives
  • Tax-deductible

How To Make Your Donation?

Donate by Zelle

Choose the amount and donate to (407) 962-9988.

Donate by Venmo

Choose the amount and donate to @ifyou.

Donate by Check

Make checks payable to IF You Foundation and mail to 8615 Commodity Cir #11, Orlando, FL 32819. If you’re donating to a specific program please write that in the memo of your check.

Donate by Wire Transfer

Please contact to receive wire instruction.

You Shop, Amazon donates

Choose us at Amazon Smile.

Add IF You Foundation as your charity at
When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of the eligible purchases to IF You.

Let's talk

Get in touch.

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