
IF You Girls Soccer Academy

A completely free program for the girls from 10 to 14 years old to develop different skills and a sense of collectivity through sport. The children are trained by coach Gustavo Brasil and accompanied by the exercise physiologist Rogério Neves. Classes for girls from 10 to 14 years on Wednesdays from 4PM – 5PM Our classes will be at 8464 Winter Garden Vineland Rd – Orlando, FL 32836 Our team will contact you after your registration to give all the information. By filling out this form you consent to the use of your child’s image (photographs, videos, etc.) for promotional materials related to IF You Foundation’s activities.
Wednesdays 4PM – 5PM


8464 Winter Garden Vineland Rd.
Orlando, FL 32836

Please note that pre-registration does not guarantee your spot in the program. You will receive a confirmation of your registration status by July, 30th. We appreciate your patience and enthusiasm for our program.

Player Information:
Parent/Guardian Information:
Emergency Contact:
Medical Information:
Soccer Experience:

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