
IF You Painting Class

Program for kids from 6 to 8 years old.

Choose your class:
Tuesdays at 5PM
Tuesdays at 6PM
Thursdays at 5PM
Thursdays at 6PM

Start date: October 8th (Tuesday group) / October10th (Thursday group)
End date: November 5th (Tuesday group) / November 7th (Thursday group)

This season will end after 5 classes. All classes will be on the same day of the week and time as the option you choose when registering. If a child misses a class without justification, they will lose their spot in the program.
** Limited spots available

5PM & 6PM

5PM & 6PM

We do not guarantee your spot on our team. Once pre-registering is complete, IF You will send an email to confirm your registration to our team for the 2023-2024 seasonal year.

Player Information:
Parent/Guardian Information:
Emergency Contact:
Medical Information:
Soccer Experience:

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